Health · Psychology · Science

Local Woman “Literally Dead” After Witnessing Cats Being Cute.

JACKSON HOLE, WYOMING — Joan Horowitz woke up the morning of January 7th like she did every other morning before that one. She opened her eyes, turned off her alarm, and, squinting from the sun in the windows, rolled over to greet her furry little friends. What she saw would change the world forever. Joan’s… Continue reading Local Woman “Literally Dead” After Witnessing Cats Being Cute.

Lifestyle · Opinion · Psychology

Queer Person Tired of Having More Stuff to Come Out As

AMES, IA– Local queer person Lynx Harris recently discovered the term “Aegosexual”, and immediately connected with it. The term, which refers to people on the asexual spectrum who have a disconnect with the object of sexual attraction and themselves, happens to describe perfectly what Lynx has been unable to express in their life, but is… Continue reading Queer Person Tired of Having More Stuff to Come Out As

Lifestyle · News Shorts · Psychology · Science

It’s a Twink! Expectant Parents Throw Sexuality Reveal Party

  Is there anything more exciting than welcoming a new baby into the family? Of course not! That’s why we, as a society, keep inventing new ways to celebrate a tiny person who doesn’t exist yet, for reasons that may or may not involve loads of free gifts for the parents-to-be. It’s not just baby… Continue reading It’s a Twink! Expectant Parents Throw Sexuality Reveal Party


Area Man Has, Like, The Saddest Dream Ever

DES MOINES, IA–Awaking to the crushing realization that even the best dreams are nightmares in disguise and there is no hope even in those hours of blissful slumber, 43-year-old Robert Forrester of Des Moines woke up last night to what most officials are calling the saddest dream ever and left him sobbing on the side… Continue reading Area Man Has, Like, The Saddest Dream Ever

Lifestyle · Psychology

Everyone Convinced Lesbian Couple Just Friends, Including Lesbian Couple

AUSTIN, TX–Sources have confirmed that absolutely everyone around Sophie McMath and Alexa Portillo, a lesbian couple in a long-term relationship, are convinced the two are just friends, including Sophie McMath and Alexa Portillo.  “Well, obviously I’m attracted to her,” said Alexa of Sophie, the woman she is unaware of having been in a lesbian relationship… Continue reading Everyone Convinced Lesbian Couple Just Friends, Including Lesbian Couple

Lifestyle · News Shorts · Politics · Psychology · Science

Oy Gevalt! Jewish Conversion Therapy Counselor Actually Ekht Feygeleh!

Oy Vey! Another day, another homophobe caught on a gay dating app! This time, it’s Jewish psychologist Norman Goldwasser of Florida, and the Jewish Queer community wants bupkis to do with this guy! This pisher had the inexplicable chutzpah to run a conversion therapy camp. Goldwasser was kibitzing with LGBTQ teens about how to become… Continue reading Oy Gevalt! Jewish Conversion Therapy Counselor Actually Ekht Feygeleh!

Nature · News Shorts · Psychology · Science

BREAKING: Sapiosexual Actually Classist, Elitist Misogynist

Despite advances in human rights in recent decades, LGBTQ+ people are still a largely oppressed group. Straight people, often jealous of our sweet, sweet oppression, are always finding ways to cash in on that envious desire to have their existence debated. That’s why local, cisgender, heterosexual male, Jacob Lang, has come out as a Sapiosexual. … Continue reading BREAKING: Sapiosexual Actually Classist, Elitist Misogynist