WASHINGTON DC–Celebrating what appears to be the end of a legal battle dating back years, Gavin Grimm, now 20, had only one thing on his mind. “I gotta piss,” he said.
Grimm had sued a Virginia school board about the policy of preventing transgender students from using the restroom that corresponded to their particular gender. The case, Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board, No. 20-1163, entailed a long fight that finally ended 6 years after it started.
“I am glad my yearslong fight to have my school see me for who I am is over,” he said. “But seriously, can you get out of the way, I really have to piss.”
The decision comes a year after the Supreme Court decided in favor of transgender rights, saying that federal employment discrimination laws applied to LGBTQ workers. When asked if he thought that his case was part of that history, he replied. “It’s a long road and I am proud to be on it but really, for the love of god, I’ve got to pee so bad, stop bothering me.”
When reporters finally caught up to him, Grimm did not respond to questions over the stall wall at press time. He urinated for approximately 45 minutes, bravely.