INDIANAPOLIS, IN–Following a particularly egregious display of homophobic behavior, local woman Trina Holland declined to go to Human Resources to report the incident. “I know I should, but I don’t want to rock the boat,” she said while she took down a photo of her and her wife on their honeymoon from her cubicle. “It’s disappointing to know that I will not really be able to move up in the company, but at least I won’t be one of those.”
Holland, who really is like any other woman she’s just gay you know, and she has more guy friends than girls because she totally hates drama, described the incident as “brief” and “not that bad” despite some reports that the person who harassed her took pictures of Holland and her wife sleeping. From inside the room.
“I just hope they get it out of their system,” she said. “Maybe one day she’ll learn that it’s not nice to do this.”
This incident contrasts with the half of the LGBTQ population. While they also endured discrimination in the workplace, they instead reported the incidents. Some were fired and none were promoted. One victim, Steve Roman, said, “I told the H.R. department that my boss harassed me and told me I was going to hell. And that if I had told him I was gay during the interview he never would have hired me. Which is a surprise to me because I totally recognized him from Grindr.”
As far as Holland’s harasser goes, she said “I’m team TERF,” and that Holland ought to watch her back. “If that thing comes in the women’s room when I am there, I don’t know what I would do.”
“See, she doesn’t know. Maybe she would just be quiet. Or perhaps offer a hug,” Holland said. “It’s really hard to know what people mean now-a-days.”