Oy Vey! Another day, another homophobe caught on a gay dating app! This time, it’s Jewish psychologist Norman Goldwasser of Florida, and the Jewish Queer community wants bupkis to do with this guy!
This pisher had the inexplicable chutzpah to run a conversion therapy camp. Goldwasser was kibitzing with LGBTQ teens about how to become straight when he’s on apps like Manhunt and Gay Bear Nation with the meshuggah username “HotnHairy72,” according to Upworthy. Look at this schlub!
The putz Goldwasser, whose farkakte practices included schlepping a bunch of young, homosexual mensches through the woods to apparently turn them straight and NOT to nosh schlong, was caught with his keppela between many goyim pulkes! The hypocrisy!
“This seems to be a pattern among people who devote their whole lives to ‘curing’ homosexuality. They view it as a disease that they can cure, but really they’re gay themselves and won’t admit it,” reasons Lesbian, shiksa psychologist, Dr. Beth Gibbons, giving us the schpiel. “It’s self-hatred.”
To put it in simpler terms, Goldwasser trying to “cure” homosexuality is based in his shame and desire for shtupping men in the tucchus. He deserves a little potch.
“He’s only kvetching cuz he got caught saying the hamotzi over treyf schmeckel,” notes Queer activist Bruce Cohen. “Several of my fellow LGBTQ Activists also express a mishmash of similar opinions,” continued Cohen, who isn’t about to plotz over this completely unsurprising discovery.
When asked for a comment, Goldwasser’s attorneys gave us the expected Megillah, noting Goldwasser “feels like a total schlemiel who can never show his punum at soul ever again”