LONDON, ENGLAND – ALERT! The Circle on Netflix IS Gay Culture. Sorry you had to find out like this. Unless you’ve been following this social media-based reality show all along, as it is canon, in which case you are a SUPER INFLUENCER and we love you. You are not blocked.
So, ahead of tomorrow’s Season 2 finale, we at Queer Coded have submitted OUR final rankings!
1.) Lee/River – This is our CATFISH OF CHOICE for season two winner. Such a sweetheart, Lee/River is the obvious choice for the number one spot. Full disclosure, we mostly made this choice because Lee is an older, gay man, and that means he’s been gay for the longest out of anyone!

2) Courtney – Courtney was a CLOSE second, as he played an incredible game and was true to himself. Courtney is also gay and therefore worthy of money. The only reason Courtney didn’t outrank Lee/River is because Courtney is younger, so he’s been gay on this earth for a shorter period of time. It was purely numbers at this point. Also, we are pretty sure Courtney could make us cry in real life if he wanted to and that scares us.

3) Deleesa/Trevor –While the circle had a total lack of trans representation, we still rather enjoy Deleesa’s performance as a hot, single dad. Deleesa (who has been playing her husband Trevor) – I’d call you Daddy any day. While Deleesa/Trevor is technically less gay than our number 4 pick, Deleesa is hot to lesbians and that’s what’s important here. You looked DIVINE in that tux! You remember which one!

4) Jack/Emily/Lisa/Lance/John – Ok, this was a tough one. We weren’t sure if Chloe should get this spot, but unfortunately for her, this team of two (playing 3 different people throughout), just inched into fourth. While both actual players, Jack and Lisa, are totally straight, they have played a total of two (2) gay men between them. I mean, Lisa played Lance Bass for crying out loud! We all know that straight actors who play gay men win Oscars, so it only follows that straight people who play gay people in The Circle would win the cash!

5) Chloe – Sorry, Chloe. You’re a hot one for sure, so there’s that. You’re also hilarious and British, which somehow makes you more hilarious. I wish this could’ve gone differently for you. Have you tried being gayer?

Who are your top choices?