Sandie Brown is fierce. They are political. They are mean. They are sick with some sniffles.

The non-binary, queer activist is always ready to take on any fight that presents itself against the LGBTQIA+ community. Nothing gets in the way of Sandie’s righteous anger and fury…except for a wicked case of post-nasal drip.
“I just feel so weak!” whines the activist, who thrice punched a nazi. “My whole head is stuffy and it hurts to cough!” Sandie, who once took a backpack of lemons and bandanas to a Women’s March in anticipation of being tear gassed, sneezed into a rainbow colored kerchief.
Often Sandie suffers from the traumas of half the country voting against their basic human rights. Currently, they suffer from a sore throat and a stuffy nose. They are equally bad, Sandie claims.
“I just want my mommy!” We clarified with Sandie, and yes, they do mean the same mommy that they yelled at a month ago for eating at Chick-Fil-A. “I’ll just ask for spicy nuggets from Wendy’s or something. To clear my sinuses!”
We reached out to Sandie after 24 hours on antibiotics. They are still bed-ridden, arguing with transphobes on Facebook, and eating dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets.