News Shorts · Politics

Local School District Saves Millions By Addressing Trans People Properly

GALVESTON, TX–Following a series of lawsuits, a Galveston School District 302 has determined that it would be less costly to merely address students as requested rather than to continue to litigate the cases in court. And in doing so, the local school district is claiming it will save millions of dollars by addressing transgender people… Continue reading Local School District Saves Millions By Addressing Trans People Properly

News Shorts

There’s Gold in Them/Their Pronouns

MILWAUKEE–In the wake of Demi Lovato coming out as non-binary and asking to be referred to with “they/them” pronouns, many Queer and Ally Americans are having to explain what pronouns are to family members, coworkers, and those weirdos they sit next to on the bus. “Yeah, it’s been awkward,” says Ty Stone, who had to… Continue reading There’s Gold in Them/Their Pronouns