News Shorts

Transgender Americans Break World Record, Simultaneously Saying “Oh God No.”

SACRAMENTO, CA–Breaking a record that has held since early last year, transgender Americans spoke all as one as they said, “Oh God no.” The event was prompted by the announcement of reality TV star and former Olympian Caitlyn Jenner that she would run for governor, which was echoed across the entire country simultaneously and therefore… Continue reading Transgender Americans Break World Record, Simultaneously Saying “Oh God No.”


Trans Day Of Visibility: Trans Push Opacity Sliders To 100%

CHICAGO–Celebrating the annual Trans Day Of Visibility, the nation’s graphic designers have checked to ensure trans people’s were visible. They did this through pushing up a common function, the opacity slider, to 100%. This Wednesday, Kira Xi, 32, had the honor. “I am just so excited to be able to allow my trans siblings this… Continue reading Trans Day Of Visibility: Trans Push Opacity Sliders To 100%

News Shorts

Cis Men Determine They’re Not Transphobic

  SEATTLE–Discussing push back by transgender people, two men came to conclusions that they were, in fact, supporters of trans people. They has, in fact, determined they are not transphobic. Dan Singal and Jesse Savage came to that conclusion Monday after hours of discussion and referencing respected publications. “I don’t get it. I have no… Continue reading Cis Men Determine They’re Not Transphobic

News Shorts

Trans Woman Dreams Big, Knows How She’ll Spend Lottery Winnings

DES MOINES, IA–Following a spur of the moment lottery ticket purchase, a local trans woman just kind of saw how her life will end up. 38 year-old Sabrina A Golden, knows exactly what she’ll send her lottery winnings on. “First, just first, I’m going to pay off my debt,” said Golden, who has a one… Continue reading Trans Woman Dreams Big, Knows How She’ll Spend Lottery Winnings

News Shorts · Science

Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Sign Triggers Mass Detransitions

WASHINGTON DC–Triggering a massive, yet unexpected, response, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) posted a sign outside her office that said, “There Are Two Genders: Male & Female. ‘Trust the Science.’” The sign prompted a large amount of transgender people to suddenly stop and start reversing their transitions. “I just have never heard that statement before,”… Continue reading Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Sign Triggers Mass Detransitions

What Say You?

What Say You? Euphoria LGBT App!

A new app has been released and it focuses on the Transgender community! Euphoria LGBT has received venture capital funding and support from Chelsea Clinton and others. The app intends to guide people through their transition process and offers a “freemium” model,  with some features being behind a paywall to help those with the means… Continue reading What Say You? Euphoria LGBT App!


Local Cis Man Praised For Doing Bare Minimum

WAUKASHA, WISCONSIN–In a previously unseen level of ally ship, a local Wisconsin man is gathering accolades for calling a trans woman a woman. “I mean, I guess she would know best what is going on in her head,” Marvin Johnson said in a conference call with GLADD and other LGB advocacy organizations. “I mean, what… Continue reading Local Cis Man Praised For Doing Bare Minimum

News Shorts

Area Man Who “Identifies As An Attack Helicopter” Deployed To Afghanistan

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN–Charles Bonwit, a 32-year old line cook from Evanston, Illinois, was surprised to find himself shipped to Afghanistan after joking that he “identified as an attack helicopter.” “I thought I was being funny. I figured if someone who was born male could be a female, I could be a helicopter.” What Mr. Bonwit didn’t… Continue reading Area Man Who “Identifies As An Attack Helicopter” Deployed To Afghanistan

News Shorts

Eddie Izzard Aims To Become First Trans MP, Vows To Fight For Core Constituency: Rich People

LONDON–Eddie Izzard, the stand-up comedian and activist, is aiming to become the first openly trans member of Parliament. She aims to take a seat in the House of Commons. While there are several LGB people in the 650 member body, she would be the first trans member. As such, she has vowed to fight for… Continue reading Eddie Izzard Aims To Become First Trans MP, Vows To Fight For Core Constituency: Rich People